Program de vizitare:
Muzeul Național de Artă al României, Muzeul Zambaccian și Muzeul Theodor Pallady, miercuri-vineri, orele 10-18, sâmbătă-duminică 11-19, luni și marți închis. Prima miercuri din lună intrarea gratuită.
Muzeul Colecțiilor de Artă: luni, marți, vineri, orele 10-18, sâmbătă-duminică 11-19, miercuri și joi închis. Prima vineri din lună intrarea gratuită.

În perioada 1-6 mai 2024, Muzeul Național de Artă al României, Muzeul Colecțiilor de Artă, Muzeul K.H. Zambaccian și Muzeul Theodor Pallady vor fi închise. Vă mulțumim pentru înțelegere!

Muzeul Național de Artă al României
BookHub at MNAR. Readings with Nona Rapotan

BookHub at MNAR. Readings with Nona Rapotan

De la 08 Aprilie 2024 11:00 până la 13 Aprilie 2024 19:11
Publicat de MNAR Admin
Vizualizări: 56

BookHub at MNAR. Readings with Nona Rapotan

Guest: Dan Pleșa

The National Museum of Art of Romania invites you to a new meeting from the series BookHub at MNAR. Readings with Nona Rapotan, which will take place on Saturday, April 13, 2024, at 4:00 PM, at the Theodor Pallady Museum (22 Spătarului Street). The guest of this edition will be the writer Dan Pleșa. The dialogue will be centered around his volume "Miere neagră" (Black Honey), published in 2023 by Vellant Publishing House.

Dan Pleșa is an editor, writer, and cultural journalist. He graduated from the National University of Theatre and Film in Bucharest, specializing in Screenwriting and Film Critique. In 2012, he participated, alongside 50 other authors, in writing the fastest novel in the world called "Moș Crăciun & co", a record certified by the Guinness Book of World Records. He is one of the founders of Vellant Publishing House, where he published his author volume "Povești de dragoste și neputință" (Tales of Love and Helplessness) in 2019. He is also one of the founding members of the "Iocan" magazine, the only printed short prose magazine in Romania.

Held monthly, the meetings "BookHub at MNAR. Readings with Nona Rapotan" represent a platform for mediating between literature and the visual arts, in the company of cultural personalities. Access is granted based on an entrance ticket priced at 12 lei, with discounts and free admissions available for various categories of the public.

The Theodor Pallady Museum hosts the collection of spouses Serafina and Gheorghe Răut, which includes a substantial nucleus of paintings signed by Theodor Pallady and over 800 drawings and engravings from his Parisian period. The building where the museum operates is also known as the Melik House, built in the second half of the 18th century and one of the oldest and most beautiful merchant houses in the capital.

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